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Press & Media

When AI intersects with Biology, Health, and Ecology.

In the realm of scientific exploration, BionomeeX stands as a visionary entity embracing the transformative potential of AI technology.
 With a profound belief in the synergy between science and AI, BionomeeX is on a mission to revolutionize the scientific landscape while advocating for the positive impact AI can bring to humanity.

We actively support graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors, and doctoral candidates in their pursuit of knowledge. BionomeeX fosters open access to research, encouraging translational discoveries and advancements.

New members on the Bionoteam


Our new recruits Sana and Sarah are in charge of web design and communications. 
A warm welcome!


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from #NYU at Bionomeex


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from NYU at Bionomeex. Talking about machine learning and genetics.


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from #NYU at Bionomeex


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from NYU at Bionomeex. Talking about machine learning and genetics.


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from #NYU at Bionomeex


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from NYU at Bionomeex. Talking about machine learning and genetics.


DeepTech Testimony of André Mas Professor at Polytech Montpellier

#DeeptechTour - Testimony of André Mas, Professor at Polytech Montpellier and co-founder of BionomeeX.

“I created a #deeptech #startup without leaving my lab.”


Everybody knows AlphaFold 

It provides 3D structure from protein prim seq. With ​Antoine Liutkus ​and ClemSquare and Baldwin Dumortier, we thought it might be cool to ask AI models to reconstruct a protein sequence from a 3D structure : PeTriBert can do this.  


Visit of Pr Dennis Shasha from #NYU at Bionomeex


 We recently reached the status of Young innovating company that grants us fiscal advantages to hire and develop our business.

Jeune Entreprise Innovante - JEI


Nicolas Roche joins Bionomeex as AI Engineer

Recently graduated in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data by ESGI and having worked as Apprentice ML Engineer for Renault.

Nicolas ROCHE, joins the AI team of Bionomeex to participate in research projects and future ANR.

He is an AI enthusiast and shares his experiences and research on his website.


BionomeeX partner of the ULTIM ANR project

BionomeeX deploys image analysis by deep learning for the project named ULTIM. ULTIM project is a PRCE supported by ANR. This ambitious project is lead by the CEA of Cadarache (​Dr Laurent Nussaume​).


Bird protection by AI for Wind Farms


 BionomeeX co-developped an AI solution with Klanik for BioDivWind to detect protected birds around wind farms. The attached gif above displays computer vision algorithm results for the localisation of birds.

BioDivWind provides solutions to control wind turbines according to the presence of protected wildlife.


Dr Eric Hosy joins BionomeeX as consultant

Dr Eric Hosy is a research director at CNRS. He is a world expert in Neurobiology. He uses a cutting edge microscopy technique to track single protein in neurons and in plant cells.

Eric will help BionomeeX:

  • to develop SRME program
  • will provide his expertise in human biology on other aspects of BionomeeX researches


BionomeeX partner of the ULTIM ANR project

BionomeeX hired Jason Puel et Christian Chaux, two young engineers to back up our “in house” projects (algorithm development).


Our CSO Highly Cited Researcher 2020

Gabriel Krouk CSO of BionomeeX and co-founder has been named as Highly Cited Researcher 2020 by Clarivate analytics in the section Plant and Animal Biology.


Super Resolution Microscopy Enhancement

Single-Particle Tracking Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (​SptPALM​ for short) is meant to map single molecule dynamics. It uses photo-activable protein named mEOS (from coral) to track the protein of interest. 


BionomeeX gets DeepTech Label from BPI France

BionomeeX is happy to announce that BPI France has labelled the company as DeepTech. It will help the development of our home brewed solutions in particular concerning a new kind of genetic analyses (Soon to be presented).
